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ผู้เขียน หัวข้อ: กรณีย้ายโดเมนแล้ว Error: Unable to retrieve current domain contacts from UWhois  (อ่าน 18322 ครั้ง)
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ออฟไลน์ ออฟไลน์

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« เมื่อ: 23 ก.พ. 2008 03:06 »

สำหรับท่านที่เป็น eNom reseller กับทางเรา
หากหลังแจ้ง transfer ไปแล้ว 1-2 วันยังไม่ได้รับเมล์ให้ confirm ให้ตรวจสอบสถานะการ transfer หากสถานะเป็น "Transfer in Process - Acquiring Current Whois for Transfer Verification"
ให้แจ้งทาง eNom ผ่าน Support Center โดย Login เข้าไปใน account ของท่านแล้วคลิกที่ Help / Support Center / Submit a Tiket โดยกรอกข้อมูลตามภาพ

Subject: unable to retrieve whois
Message:  Order ID: 12345678 (domainname.com)
Category: Transfer ..

What does it mean when the transfer status is: "Unable to retrieve current domain contacts from UWhois" ?

When an auto-verification transfer request is initiated, our system attempts to obtain the registrant and/or administrative contacts from the current registrar in order to generate the transfer verification email. Sometimes, due to the current registrar blocking our whois queries or whois queries via port 43, we are unable to automatically retrieve the required whois information to proceed with the transfer request. When this occurs, the domain is placed into a verification queue where it is manually updated.

If we are unable to retrieve the whois for the domain after eight ( 8 ) hours, the transfer status will change from "Awaiting auto-verification of transfer request" to "Transfer in Process - Acquiring Current Whois for Transfer Verification". It is at this point in the process you need to notify us so that we can manually update the information.

If your transfer request goes into this status, please submit a request for assistance through the Support Center. Please select the category "Transfers". In the subject field, type “unable to retrieve whois” and in the message body, type the transfer order ID and/or domain name(s) to be manually verified. Upon receipt of this request, we will manually verify the whois information and update it within our system. Once this information has been updated, the verification email will be sent to listed registrant and/or administrative contacts within a few hours.

NOTE: We cannot manually update the whois to send the verification email until it goes into our auto-verification queue. Please allow eight hours for our whois servers to attempt to retrieve the whois information for transfer verifications. If we cannot retrieve the whois within that time frame, the domain will go into our manual queue. Until that time, we cannot update the information manually.

Please do not include whois in the case. While we do appreciate the extra effort on your part, we must manually verify this information per ICANN requirements.

* 2008-02-23_031111.png (9.15 KB, 638x493 - ดู 2286 ครั้ง.)

* 2008-02-23_031139.png (5.06 KB, 1001x116 - ดู 2119 ครั้ง.)
« แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้าย: 23 ก.พ. 2008 03:38 โดย PinkkeyHost » บันทึกการเข้า

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